> 春节2024 > 你过年准备买什么衣服英文







  • Red lanterns - 红色灯笼
  • Chinese New Year couplets - 春联
  • Fu character - 福字
  • Firecrackers - 鞭炮
  • Dragon and lion dance - 龙狮舞




According to the tradition, people usually wear new clothes on New Year\'s Day. This practice symbolizes new beginnings and a fresh start. Wearing new clothes is not only a way to celebrate the arrival of the new year, but also to show respect for the occasion. It signals the desire for a prosperous and lucky year ahead.



Children can wear new clothes during the Spring Festival. This tradition brings joy and excitement to children as they eagerly await the festival. Wearing new clothes during this time is a symbol of new beginnings and auspiciousness. It is believed that wearing new clothes can bring good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.

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  • Red lanterns - 红色灯笼
  • Chinese New Year couplets - 春联
  • Fu character - 福字
  • Firecrackers - 鞭炮
  • Dragon and lion dance - 龙狮舞




Children can wear new clothes during the Spring Festival. This tradition brings joy and excitement to children as they eagerly await the festival. Wearing new clothes during this time is a symbol of new beginnings and auspiciousness. It is believed that wearing new clothes can bring good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.




  1. 春节前的几天,人们要进行大扫除,清理家中的一切,以去除旧年的晦气。
  2. 人们会买年画和贴春联,以装饰房屋,给家里增添喜气和辟邪。
  3. 人们还会购买新衣服,为了拜访亲朋好友和参加庆祝活动,穿上新衣服让人们看起来更加漂亮、自信。
  4. 大年初一,全家人会团聚在一起吃年夜饭,共享团圆和喜庆。
  5. 在新年的第一天,人们还会互相拜年,相互道贺和致以祝福,希望新的一年里平安健康、幸福美满。




According to the tradition, people usually clean their houses before the Spring Festival to get rid of the old year\'s bad luck. I followed this tradition and cleaned my house before the Spring Festival to welcome good luck and a fresh start in the new year. Additionally, I bought some traditional Chinese New Year pictures, which are believed to bring good fortune and blessings. I also bought new clothes to dress up for the festival, as it is customary to wear new clothes during the Spring Festival to symbolize new beginnings and to attract good luck.



  1. 春节是中国的农历新年,通常在一月或二月举行。
  2. 春节前几天,人们需要进行大扫除,打扫房屋,以除旧迎新。
  3. 儿童们通常会收到一些压岁钱,这是家长们给孩子们的红包,寓意着希望他们在新的一年里能拥有好运和美好的未来。
  4. 大年初一的晚上,全家人会团聚在一起共享年夜饭,这是一个欢庆团圆的时刻。
  5. 新的一年,人们还会拜访亲朋好友,互相道贺和祝福,希望新的一年里平安、健康和幸福。

These traditions and customs during the Spring Festival not only bring joy and happiness to people\'s lives, but also reinforce the importance of family, unity, and auspiciousness. It is a time for people to come together, share blessings, and express warm wishes for the new year.



Christmas is coming, and there is a strong festive atmosphere in every RT-Mart supermarket, shops, and kindergartens. People are busy preparing for the upcoming Spring Festival. As a seventh-grade student, I have designed my own new clothes for the Spring Festival. I chose a vibrant red color, which symbolizes luck and happiness in Chinese culture. The design incorporates traditional Chinese elements, such as embroidery and floral patterns, to showcase the rich cultural heritage. Wearing my self-designed clothes during the Spring Festival not only reflects my creativity and individuality, but also allows me to fully embrace the festive spirit and traditions of the Chinese New Year.